Author: Xatamov Ochildi Qurbonovich, Qosimov Azamat Abdukarimovich
The article analyzes economic indicators of modern industrial enterprises and outlines the main directions of reducing production costs.

Author: Ilyos Abdullaev, Allayarov Sardor Frunzeyevich
This article represents data on the role of the service sphere in providing employment in the region. Also, a comprehensive analysis of development of the service sphere in the region has been made, and recommendations and proposals have been made to enhance its future efficiency.

Author: Madaminov Ilyorbek Davlatovich
"Transition period" is a very rarely studied subject in literature, but its study is of great importance for science. The concept of a "transition period" is broad and complex, and during this period, states transform from one stage of development to another and certainly all states experience this process. Various definitions and approaches of the concept of the “transition period” are illuminated in this scientific literature.

Author: Salaeva M.S
This article depicts the study of the educational system in Uzbekistan and the definition of its trends and milestones is inextricably linked with the history of the republic Uzbekistan. Many statistical sources and numerous archival materials have been analyzed. It has been identified and justified that the history of formation and development of education system in the period of the end of 19th and mid 20th century are relayed with the feature of development of its separate stages, the socio-economic level of development of Uzbek society, trends of its cultural formation in a certain period of time. At each stage, the problem has been set and solved as possible to fulfill the educational needs of Uzbek society.