Author: Dehqonova Surayyo Egamberdiyevna
This article highlights the introduction of new teaching methods and proven information transfer technologies using the educational process. So, express oneself the importance of using information technologies in the educational process and the basis of improving content of the lesson.

Author: Khasan Akhmadjonovich Akhmadjonov
The article describes the process of developing a rubric in the ESP classroom by students of higher education whose main subject is business writing. The author shows examples of edited rubrics from the very development to the final version of it. The article explains how the researcher interacts with the students to develop a rubric.

Author: Azizov Solijon Uchmas ugli
In this article the ways and results of the implementation of innovative ideas and approaches in the continuous education of the system of teaching foreign languages in developing the educational sphere of Uzbekistan by using social networking services and messengers are analysed.

Author: Suleymanova Nilufar Kamilovna
The article deals with the pedagogical skills of the teacher in the process of teaching and learning. Besides that, the essence of craftsmanship and artistry, which are closely interrelated is also provided. It also includes the essence of pedagogical skills in the personality of the teacher. Formation levels of pedagogical artistry.

Author: Usmanaliev Khusniddin Murodjon ugli
This article is devoted to the actual problems of contemporary pedagogics. In it some key features of didactics are presented. Besides, new approaches on how to educate and bring up the children based on the research of some scientists can also be found in this article.

Author: Otamurodov Golibjon Ruzimurodovich
According to the study module "e-pedagogy and design of personal and professional teacher information space" developing organization skills network cooperation of teachers, the use of modern information and communication technologies and systems in educational processes and performed educational market competitiveness teacher.

Author: Abdullaeva Manzura
This article discusses the contribution of Ishak Khan Ibrat into Uzbek printing. The author particularly touched upon the printing house of Iskak Khan's "Matbaai Isakiya", its practical efforts in its formation, as well as the books published there, as well as the publishing activity. Along with the analysis of the poet's "Historical Publishing", he also touches on the articles published in the Turkistan Region Newspaper. The author tries to cite his point of view by quoting from his article on literary works by Ibrad's literary critics.

Author: Davletova Dildora Nadir qizi
This article discusses the problems and their solutions which exist in the process of learning the vocabularies of English language, and also analyses the principles of etymological vocabularies, which are done various linguists.

Author: Xomidova M.F.
Intertextuality is one of the basic tredencies in the text linguistics. The article presents a comprehensive study of the notion of intertextuality, its types and learning in modern linguistics. As such types of intertextuality and its names are discussed in this article.

Author: Jamila Ermetova
The article deals with various punctuation marks of different system languages, namely dash and hyphen, in particular English and Russian, and their usage is compared in examples.