Author: Khatamov Farkhod Fakhritdinovich
This article was narrated about how to improve the legal literacy of employees in business management, co-operative management and self-governance institutions and how to address legal knowledge, respect for existing law and respect for the law.

Author: Usmanov Marifdjon Shakirovich
Сivil society has many dimensions, among which the economic component is particularly prominent. In this regard, one of the most urgent tasks
remains to find answers to the questions of influence on the processes of civil society formation: small business and private entrepreneurship; formation of a favorable business and investment environment, etc.
The experience of Uzbekistan shows that the development of small business and private entrepreneurship directly affects the formation and development of a middle class of owners in the country – the pillars of civil society.

Author: Ruzmetov B, Masharipova M.А
In this paper the issues of elimination of any bureaucratic obstacles directed to improvement of favorable business climate as well as development of entrepreneurship activities and problems in strengthening their legal rights and interests fully are analyzed.

Author: Ruzmetov B, Masharipova M.
The article considers the competitive advantages of the region in development of private entrepreneurship and small business.