Author: Abdikarimov Azamat Egamberganovich, Yusupov Ahmad, Atamuratov Atabek Egamberdiyevich
It is investigated the dependence of intercapacitance between two point charges located in different environments on the relative position of border. The image method is used. It is considered two cases: the charges is located at line which is perpendicular to the border and the charges is located at
line which is not perpendicular to the border. The result show that in both cases the capacitance is increased with displacement the border.

Author: AtamuratоvA.E., AbdikarimоvA., AtamuratоvaZ.A., ХоlillaеvM., YusupоvA.
In the paper the influence of the defect lateral distribution on drain current in nanometer MOSFET is considered.The simulation results show
the drain current depends on lateral as well as longitudinal distribution of interface defects. Maximal change of the drain current is seen at localisation of defects at the center of interface.