Author: Akbar Saidkasimov
This article analyzes the processes of innovative development of the social sphere in the formation of civil society. Its practical significance in modern
development of society is substantiated theoretically. Views on the future development of the social sphere are given. The problem of innovative development of the social sphere is emphasized as a subject matter of scientific research.

Author: Dehqonova Surayyo Egamberdiyevna
This article highlights the introduction of new teaching methods and proven information transfer technologies using the educational process. So, express oneself the importance of using information technologies in the educational process and the basis of improving content of the lesson.

Author: Xatamov Ochildi Qurbonovich, Qosimov Azamat Abdukarimovich
The article analyzes economic indicators of modern industrial enterprises and outlines the main directions of reducing production costs.

Author: Jumaniyazova Sharifa Rashidovna
This article outlines the role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the industry, which is one of the leading sectors of the economy, as well as increasing the incomes and well-being of the population.