Author: Khatamov Farkhod Fakhritdinovich
This article was narrated about how to improve the legal literacy of employees in business management, co-operative management and self-governance institutions and how to address legal knowledge, respect for existing law and respect for the law.

Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
The article identifies the advantages of small business and private entrepreneurship in the current conditions of economic development. The statistical data reflecting the share of small business in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is given. The specifics of accounting peculiar to small business enterprises are given, the review of legislative and normative acts regulating the organization of accounting and reporting of small business subjects is given.

Author: Dilshod Xudayberganov, Dilnoza Butanova
This article explores opportunities for the development of rural entrepreneurship in the Khorezm region of the Republic of Uzbekistan and outlines future improvements in the sector.

Author: Jumaniyazova Sharifa Rashidovna
This article outlines the role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the industry, which is one of the leading sectors of the economy, as well as increasing the incomes and well-being of the population.

Author: Ruzmetov B, Masharipova M.А
In this paper the issues of elimination of any bureaucratic obstacles directed to improvement of favorable business climate as well as development of entrepreneurship activities and problems in strengthening their legal rights and interests fully are analyzed.

Author: Abdikarimova Zuxra
In this article, it is emphasized that the features which provide improvement in effectiveness of state-business partnerships. The value of collaborative relations in practice is analyzed on the example of Uzbekistan.

Author: Doschanov T, Nasretdinova F., Doschanov A.
This paper looks through characteristics of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, as well as their interconnection with the business activity, human and social capital.