Author: Dehqonova Surayyo Egamberdiyevna
This article highlights the introduction of new teaching methods and proven information transfer technologies using the educational process. So, express oneself the importance of using information technologies in the educational process and the basis of improving content of the lesson.

Author: Usmanaliev Khusniddin Murodjon ugli
This article is devoted to the actual problems of contemporary pedagogics. In it some key features of didactics are presented. Besides, new approaches on how to educate and bring up the children based on the research of some scientists can also be found in this article.

Author: Otamurodov Golibjon Ruzimurodovich
According to the study module "e-pedagogy and design of personal and professional teacher information space" developing organization skills network cooperation of teachers, the use of modern information and communication technologies and systems in educational processes and performed educational market competitiveness teacher.

Author: Abdullaeva Manzura
In this article, Isakhan Ibrat's contribution to jurisprudence is explained by studying the poet's work and analyzing historical sources and works. The author also tries to interpret the essay "True word" written in the article by Ibrat's "Selected Works", and tries to make a deep analysis of the poem's poem "Qazi qotil". He also cites his arguments by quoting various literary scholars on the contribution Ibrat has made to his jurisprudence.

Author: Yadgarov Bahodir Jumatovich, Ro`zmetov Roman Narimanovich, Polvonov Davronbek Jumanazarovich
This article discusses improving physical readiness of 9-10-year-old children in comprehensive schools by means of national outdoor games and teaching them elements of track-and-field athletics. The article also discusses finding effective ways of increasing the role of national outdoor games basing their educative aspects theoretically.

Author: Yadgarov B.J., Yadgarova D.B., Yadgarov D.B.
In this article there were illustrated the issues of organizing and planning the trainings of sprinters in a yearly cycle.

Author: B.J. Yadgarov, R.N. Ruzmetov, D.B. Yadgarov
In this article there was illustrated organizing and planning the trainings of sprinters in a yearly cycle.

Author: Salaeva M.S
This article depicts the study of the educational system in Uzbekistan and the definition of its trends and milestones is inextricably linked with the history of the republic Uzbekistan. Many statistical sources and numerous archival materials have been analyzed. It has been identified and justified that the history of formation and development of education system in the period of the end of 19th and mid 20th century are relayed with the feature of development of its separate stages, the socio-economic level of development of Uzbek society, trends of its cultural formation in a certain period of time. At each stage, the problem has been set and solved as possible to fulfill the educational needs of Uzbek society.