Author: Mardona Bektursunova
In that article, weak and medium in having too much soil and in those agrotexnology of about melon and advices were given about planting melon.

Author: Mahsudov M.D.
Increasing the need for land use necessitates the diversification of land resources. Before you start diving, you need to thoroughly analyze the current situation in recent years. In this article, concrete proposals and recommendations have been made on the basis of studying the status of land allocation in the research object.

Author: Muradova E. V., Khudayarova G. N., Vakhidova A.M.
Fungi of the genus Pacilomyces became of interest after there were severe cases of human disease pecilomycosis. The first case of severe human infection with a fungus of the genus Pacilomyces of the species Pacilomyces variotii was described in 1963. Microscopic examination of the heart revealed branched strands of mycelium, between which spherical bodies lay freely, which the author designated as "spores" of the fungus P. variotii. In the patient's blood smears, oval gram-positive corpuscles were found, resembling yeast cells, but without signs of budding. Crops made from the heart gave rise to the fungus Paecilomyces varioti. The discovery of the biology and ecology of pathogens of echinococcosis allowed us to solve effectively the issues of chemotherapy and experimental justification of surgical treatment of echinococcosis. Clinical testing of these discoveries and inventions was necessary, as well as the study of various issues related to echinococcosis and its pathogen with the participation of
Parasitologists, microbiologists, biochemists, immunologists, morphologists and surgeons themselves.
It is established that acephalocysts are the most responsible germ elements for relapses after surgery and the most resistant to external factors. The discovery of the phenomenon of localization of the germ elements of Echinococcus and microorganisms in the fibrous capsule proved the special significance of bacteriological studies of echinococci and their contents, which was performed by a number of authors, as well as continued by us.

Author: Altiev A.S., Mahsudov M.D.
This article focuses on the further development of the economy by stabilizing the reproduction of lands, various theoretical techniques, ways of developing the region from the point of view of the region, and the research on a particular object.

Author: Ismoilova Khimoyat Matnazarovna, Bekchanov Davronbek Jumanazarovich, Rajabov Elyor Bakhtiyorovich
Polyphinylchloride was modified by polyethylene polyamine, and the ionitis was studied in static conditions by the artificial solution of copper (II), nickel (II) and cobalt (II) ions. In static conditions, factors affecting the sorption process, such as time dependence, temperature and concentration dependence, were investigated. The IQ spectroscopic, elemental analysis, thermal analysis and analytical methods have proven the chemical structure of anionite and
polycomplexone based on plivinyl chloride, which have been shown to be thermally and chemically stable.

Author: A.J. Djuraevich, A.A. Khaydarov, M.O.Muhammedova
Quality shoes are fundamental to affecting the health of the feet, in particular, when the foot can be subjected to many serious problems, as is the case with diabetes patients. This article identifies, identifies and analyzes the problems of correct design of shoes for people suffering from diabetes, and design features that distinguish orthopedic shoes from other types of shoes.

Author: Babadjanov Sobit Xusanovich, Isxakova Fazilat Farrux qizi
The article presents the results of studies of the influence of the unevenness of roundness of the spinning rings on the tension of the yarn produced. It is also noted that if the shape of the ring is distorted, then the slider's trajectory is not a circle, but some closed curve that follows the shape of the ring, while, in general, at each subsequent time, the slider moves along a curve with a different curvature radius. The design scheme and the method for calculating the tension of the yarn from the profile of the ring are given.

Author: Djurayev Anvar Djurayevich, Tuguzbaeva Robiya Berdimuratovna
The proposed mechanism allows to increase the reliability of sewing machines by reducing the loads in the kinematic pairs and simplifying the design, which leads to an increase in the speeds of movement of the material, thereby increasing the productivity of sewing machines.

Author: Korabayev Sherzod Ahmadjonovich, Matismailov Saypila Lolashbayevich, Salohiddinov Jahongir Ziyoviddinovich
This article presents the research results of the rotation frequency influence of a pneumatic spinning machine’s drum on the quality indicators of the yarn produced with a linear density of 29 tex. With the rotation frequency increase of the sampling drums, the specific breaking load of the yarn increases to 11.1 cN / tex, elongation to 6.3%, while reducing the coefficient of variation of the breaking load to 9.2%.

Author: Rasulov Ruzimurod Xasanovich, Norbayeva Dilfuza Voxidovna
In cotton ginning cotton processing technologies, the cleaning of raw cotton is a very important process. In the operated purifiers a low purifying effect, in order to increase the cleaning effect, it is required to modernize the working elements of the cleaner. For this, it is necessary to study the process between the serrated drum and the grate. The obtained results can improve the technology of cleaning machines. Studies have determined the change in the purification process