Author: Oygul Khujaniyazova
The article describes the aspects of formation of qualifications in the sphere of investigation and research work. There expressed the practical activities
in teaching students and requirements and problems of learners as well as teachers in the education system, and all the duties that are considered to be completed.

Author: Yadgarov B.J., Yadgarova D.B., Yadgarov D.B.
In this article there were illustrated the issues of organizing and planning the trainings of sprinters in a yearly cycle.

Author: Saidmamatov Orifjon
Coaches involved in strength training, a prerequisite of modern training, exercise based on scientific and theoretical considerations that to do exercise without weights and weight exercises on game methods are highly effective in developing the strengths of hand and leg muscles.

Author: Zamira Khuzaniyozova Odamboyevna
This article is devoted to the need for information literacy, information concept, information culture, work with information, and the formation of information culture.

Author: Shihova Hasiyat Ismailovna
The research investigates special pedagogical toolsto formulate media culture in students. In addition, the experience of students to increase knowledge and skills of media culture is useful to learn other subjects as well.

Author: Pulatova Zamira Abdullaevna, Atajanova G
This article describes the features of learning foreign languages at pre and primary schools. The process of learning a foreign language in the elementary school need to remain creative. You need to create a comfortable psychological environment. The teacher needs to understand that he should help the child as early as possible to overcome the language barrier and to instill in him a love of learning a foreign language.

Author: Ermetova Jamila, Masharipov Jahongir
The article illustrates the notions of traditional and conceptual metaphor, and describes the investigation style of metaphor in the English language. In this article, it is contrasted conceptual metaphors with metaphorical linguistic expressions.

Author: Abdikarimova Zuxra
In this article, it is emphasized that the features which provide improvement in effectiveness of state-business partnerships. The value of collaborative relations in practice is analyzed on the example of Uzbekistan.

Author: Khodjaniyazov Elbek Sardarovich
The article discusses ecotourism potential of Uzbekistan and its future perspectives in the development of tourism industry.

Author: Gafurov Anvar
One of the essential factors of development is considered the corporate governance that is cited as the tool of attracting investments. The article represents scientific-theoretical definitions, models, history and properties development of corporate governance in the Republic of Uzbekistan.