Author: M.M.Rejapova, I.D.Kurbanbaev, B.X.Chiniqulov, Z.B.Alloberganova
Article consist cotton growth, nutrition absorption and yield were improved by adding appropriate amounts of K and Na. It was thus established that the samples studied showed different resistance to salinity. Samples of the cotton germplasm collection proved to be highly resistant to salinization.

Author: Sotipov G.M., Gandjaeva L.A.
Winter Wheat is an important cereal crop for the population of Uzbekistan. The objective was to study the effect of different sowing dates, irrigation regime and various levels of fertilization on the growth and development of Asr cultivar of winter wheat. The experiment was conducted on the field №119 of the Dildora-Bojimon farm of Yangibazar district of the Khorezm region during 2014-2016. Statistical analysis of the data showed that different sowing dates, irrigation regime and fertilization levels had a significantly affected on plant height (cm), number of total tillers and number of
productive tillers m-2 of winter wheat.

Author: Gandjaeva L.A.
To evaluate the growth and development of winter wheat under 3 factors (sowing dates, irrigation regimes and rate of fertilization) in Khorezm region,
there was done an experiment using a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar Kuma. For the experiment we used three sowing dates: D1=1st of
October, D2=10th of October, D3= 20th of October, 2 irrigation treatments, including 60-65-60, 65-70-60 and 2 fertilizaton treatments: the following doses of N150P100K75 kg ha-1 and N200P140K100 kg ha-1 , was conducted in the field №119 of the Dildora-Bojimon farm of Yangibazar district of the Khorezm region during the 2014–2016 growing seasons.

Author: Xudayberganov Suxrob Ulug’bek o’g’li
This article highlights the importance of qualified staff in the sustainable and successful development of the alcohol industry and the high level of knowledge, experience and experience of the staff in the quality of the alcohol products.

Author: Mavlanov Fakhraddin Khakimovich, Yusupov Sherzod Alisherovich
The article presents the problem arising when using foreign seeding units in Uzbekistan.The requirements for foreign planting units that were compared with the conditions of Uzbekistan and their solutions are also shown.

Author: Yunusov M.Yu., Babayev Z.K., Matchanov Sh.K., Atashev E.A., Ermetov A.I.
The article describes modern requirements for quartz sand raw materials used in glass bottles, and describes the major deposits of quartz sand in Uzbekistan. It is possible to improve the quality of the first quartz sand samples on the production of high quality glass bottles with the addition of sand drying and sharp cooling at the temperature of 750-800 ° C, resulting in the formation of sand fracture surfaces, 0. Quartz sands, with a content of iron oxides in the range of 4-0.1 mm (0.04-0.03%).

Author: Karimov Muxtor Karimberganovich, Tangriberganov Ismail Urazboyevich, Qurbanov Muzaffar Kadamboyevich, Kutliev Uchkun Otoboevich, Otaboev Mexroj Uchkun o’g’li
The Ar+ ions scattering from the InP(001)<110>,<ī10> surfaces at the grazing incidence have been simulated by the computer simulation method. The trajectory, energy and angular distributions of scattered argon ions on above mentioned surface semichannels have been calculated.

Author: Rakhimova Umida Salievna
The article informs the importance of using “Hot Seat” technique to improve the students speaking skills in teaching English language. It gives the techniques of developing learners thinking and critical skills by asking questions.

Author: Khodjaeva Shahlo Matnazarovna
This article describes one of the successful developments of educational technology - stage reading of foreign text. Teaching students reading and
listening, it is necessary to observe pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading phases of work. Interactive methods used in stages, giving students the opportunity to develop not only language skills, but also allow them to use a foreign language as a means of communication

Author: Nurmetov Muxtar Rustamovich, Seyitniyazova Ayimxan Abdullaevna
In given article the attention is accented on development of abilities and skills of art designing of students during out-of-class lessons.