Author: Sadullayev A.
The article deals with the country's reserves which are not used for touristic purposes and their possible use in the development of tourism.

Author: Ruzmetov B., Abdullayev I.S.
This paper considers construction problems of complex econometric models of regional economic system at an example of the Khorezm region.

Author: Otajanova L.О.
Equivalences of lexical stylistic devices are analyzed from samples of the book "Spy" by F. Cooper. In the process of translation attention is paid not only to expressive meanings, but is tried to express the images emotionally.

Author: Yuldasheva Z.K.
In this article the English idioms, their meanings and equivalents in English and in Uzbek are discussed. Moreover, there are many examples for phraseological fusion and their literal translation to other languages.

Author: Atajonova M.I.
This article is devoted to the importance of role playing in teaching the English language to upper intermediate level learners.

Author: Kalandarov A.R.
The article is about the expression of comparativeness in English and Uzbek. The main attention is paid to the syntactic role of the components expressing comparativeness in a sentence.

Author: Ermetova J.I.
The article deals the role of Cognitive linguistics, Linguoculturology and Cross-cultural communication in optimization of foreign language
teaching, the author suggests new definitions of the notions "concept" and "linguacultureme".

Author: Jumaniyozov A. J., Rahimova Sh.
In this article the attributive compound words or "bahuvrihi" s which express human‘s face are analyzed by the means of examples.

Author: Karimov Y.A.
The article is devoted to brightening up the origin of communication system of ancient people in the area of Lower Amu-Darya.

Author: Matyakubov N.R.
The article widely covers international peace and interreligious tolerance relations and opportunities provided to national cultural centers in the years of Independence.