Author: Matrizayeva G.Dj.
Object to study effects of treatment of obesity on main cardiovascular risk characterictics in premenopausal women. In the study 46 women in perimenopausal period with obesity and arterial hypertension (AH) were recruted. The accomplished investigation demonstrated that the complex obesity therapy with gomeopatic remedy was given successfully results.

Author: Sadullaev O.K., Samandarova B.S., Akhmedova M.
The article noted that microbiocenosis in children living in the Southern Aral Sea region has a correlation between indigenous and facultative organisms, at diarrheal diseases "physiological" decline and "pathological" correlation increased.

Author: Yusupova M.A., Bekmetova Sh.K., Ismailov E.A.
The aim of our research is based on the study of clinical and functional features of arterial hypertension to identify the most informative diagnostic criteria for initial stage of hypertension in young adults. During the diagnosis of arterial hypertension in young adults, a comprehensive assessment of all parameters of circadian blood pressure profile is required.

Author: Adambaev Z.I, Kilichev I.A.
We offered complex therapy of diseases with degenerative spinal stenosis lumbar spine. Comparative estimation of the method is made between 70 patients (the main group) and group of the comparison - 40 patients, who got the traditional treatment. Comparative analysis revealed reliable efficiency of proposed method, as the most optimal. On background proposed therapy was noted reliable reducing of the pain and muscular – tonic syndromes, increase the volume of the motion in spine, reduction of neurogenic intermittent claudication.

Author: Abdullaev I.K., Abdullaev R.B., Abdullaev D.I.
Acquiring unhealthy habits takes a special place among other negative factors such as smoking, drinking, drug addiction, hypodynamia, overeating that leads to the pathology of an organism. Acquiring of such habits is directly connected to different actions which happen under influence of human environment, family, different social institutions and human mental set.

Author: Duschanov B.A., Atajanov U.J., Jumanazarova G.U.
Physical development of children who are at the age of school is considered to show index their organisms‘ health condition, outdoor environments effects‘ are good or bad. Observation on children shows that normal physical development on boys goes up at the same rate, but physical development‘s index on girls does not go up at the same rate.

Author: Adambaev Z.I, Kilichev I.A.
We studied 110 patients with degenerative spinal canal stenosis (51 patients with cervical localization, 69 with lumbar). Psychogenic component of pain was identified in patients, which is manifested in the form of an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, lungs depressive and cognitive changes are more pronounced in the cervical localization process.

Author: Saidov D.R.
In this paper the dynamics and imbalance distribution of subjects in repairing, maintenance of vehicles through the territories of the Khorezm region
of Uzbekistan has been analyzed. On the bases of the research the proposals are developed for improving the activity of the enterprises for repairing and maintenance services in the automobile industry of Khorezm region.

Author: Ruzmetov B, Masharipova M.
The article considers the competitive advantages of the region in development of private entrepreneurship and small business.

Author: Doschanov T, Nasretdinova F., Doschanov A.
This paper looks through characteristics of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, as well as their interconnection with the business activity, human and social capital.