Author: Babadjanov Sobit Xusanovich, Isxakova Fazilat Farrux qizi
The article presents the results of studies of the influence of the unevenness of roundness of the spinning rings on the tension of the yarn produced. It is also noted that if the shape of the ring is distorted, then the slider's trajectory is not a circle, but some closed curve that follows the shape of the ring, while, in general, at each subsequent time, the slider moves along a curve with a different curvature radius. The design scheme and the method for calculating the tension of the yarn from the profile of the ring are given.

Author: Korabayev Sherzod Ahmadjonovich, Matismailov Saypila Lolashbayevich, Salohiddinov Jahongir Ziyoviddinovich
This article presents the research results of the rotation frequency influence of a pneumatic spinning machine’s drum on the quality indicators of the yarn produced with a linear density of 29 tex. With the rotation frequency increase of the sampling drums, the specific breaking load of the yarn increases to 11.1 cN / tex, elongation to 6.3%, while reducing the coefficient of variation of the breaking load to 9.2%.