Author: Nafasov Donyor Shernafasovich
This article highlights current reforms in the field of tourism, the development of tourism laws, decrees and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as a key element in improving the tourist culture of students in higher education.

Author: Koriyev Mirzokhid Rustamjonovich, Nishanova Intizor Rahmonjon qizi
This article outlines the results of the touristic potentials of Namangan region. There are also suggestions and comments on tourism development throughout the region.

Author: Dilshod Xudayberganov, Dilnoza Butanova
This article explores opportunities for the development of rural entrepreneurship in the Khorezm region of the Republic of Uzbekistan and outlines future improvements in the sector.

Author: Rakhimbaev Akmal Azatboyevich, Ruzmetov Bakxodir Shomuratovich
This paper looks through well-qualified personnel is one of the basic factor for a successful and sustainable development in the tourism and hospitality industry. This means that the quality of services in the tourism and hospitality industry depends on personnel’s qualifications, knowledge, and experiences, which are vital to satisfy the tourists’ desires.

Author: Ibadullayev Ergash Bakturdiyevich, Sanat Otanazarovich Chuponov
The article discusses ecotourism potential of Khorezm region and its future perspectives in the development of tourism industry.

Author: D.Xudayberganov
This article provides examples of how to create new tourist routes in Khorezm region to enhance tourism potential of the region, as illustrated by the development of tourist routes.

Author: Khodjaniyazov Elbek Sardarovich
The article discusses ecotourism potential of Uzbekistan and its future perspectives in the development of tourism industry.

Author: Sadullayev A.
The article deals with the country's reserves which are not used for touristic purposes and their possible use in the development of tourism.