Author: Khajieva Maksuda Sultanovna
In this article Sufism ideas used in works of our thinkers, ideas on ethical and humanism views were determined. Moreover, ideas of humanism, not neglecting and ignoring others, providing free living conditions, always being in a good and honest manner to others, being generous, loving and forgiving were justified with examples in wide manner.

Author: Mardonov Bahtiyor Teshaevich
For the production conditions of the NMP MU, it is very important to study the accuracy of the settings of the gear blanks on the tool holders. Therefore, the article considers the issue of studying the accuracy of the installation of gears in the factory and improving the accuracy of the installation through the use of biaxial shaft-hole joints.

Author: Sapaev Gulom
In this article author has analyzed scientifically and morally and provided summary about the ideas of religious tolerance and international
amicableness in the Islam religion sources and points of views of Central-Asian philosophers. Furthermore, the author has enlightened importance of hospitality in our national-moral heritage in terms of religious and providing social stability, as well as, fighting against religious extremism.