Author: Khajieva Maksuda Sultanovna
In this article Sufism ideas used in works of our thinkers, ideas on ethical and humanism views were determined. Moreover, ideas of humanism, not neglecting and ignoring others, providing free living conditions, always being in a good and honest manner to others, being generous, loving and forgiving were justified with examples in wide manner.

Author: Abdullaeva Manzura
In this article, Isakhan Ibrat's contribution to jurisprudence is explained by studying the poet's work and analyzing historical sources and works. The author also tries to interpret the essay "True word" written in the article by Ibrat's "Selected Works", and tries to make a deep analysis of the poem's poem "Qazi qotil". He also cites his arguments by quoting various literary scholars on the contribution Ibrat has made to his jurisprudence.