Author: Muradova E. V., Khudayarova G. N., Vakhidova A.M.
Fungi of the genus Pacilomyces became of interest after there were severe cases of human disease pecilomycosis. The first case of severe human infection with a fungus of the genus Pacilomyces of the species Pacilomyces variotii was described in 1963. Microscopic examination of the heart revealed branched strands of mycelium, between which spherical bodies lay freely, which the author designated as "spores" of the fungus P. variotii. In the patient's blood smears, oval gram-positive corpuscles were found, resembling yeast cells, but without signs of budding. Crops made from the heart gave rise to the fungus Paecilomyces varioti. The discovery of the biology and ecology of pathogens of echinococcosis allowed us to solve effectively the issues of chemotherapy and experimental justification of surgical treatment of echinococcosis. Clinical testing of these discoveries and inventions was necessary, as well as the study of various issues related to echinococcosis and its pathogen with the participation of
Parasitologists, microbiologists, biochemists, immunologists, morphologists and surgeons themselves.
It is established that acephalocysts are the most responsible germ elements for relapses after surgery and the most resistant to external factors. The discovery of the phenomenon of localization of the germ elements of Echinococcus and microorganisms in the fibrous capsule proved the special significance of bacteriological studies of echinococci and their contents, which was performed by a number of authors, as well as continued by us.