Author: Khajieva Maksuda Sultanovna
In this article Sufism ideas used in works of our thinkers, ideas on ethical and humanism views were determined. Moreover, ideas of humanism, not neglecting and ignoring others, providing free living conditions, always being in a good and honest manner to others, being generous, loving and forgiving were justified with examples in wide manner.

Author: Ruzmetov Umid Ismailovich, Safarova Nigora Karimdjanovna, Safarov Karimdjon Safarovich, Ulugova Safargul Fayzullaevna
The use of various doses of mineral fertilizers determines the effectiveness of the cultivation of chamomile medicinal 1.5-2 times due to an increase
in the number of branching, the number of flowers and biomass. Thus, it is noted that the use of mineral fertilizers on an area of 1m2 leads to an increase in wet weight of plants by an average of 184% dry weight by 170%, leaf area by 148% and the development of the root system by 157% relative to the control variant. The height and diameter of the stem increased by an average of 136%, and yield by 180%.