Author: Akhmedov Bakhodir, Rozikov Jurabek, Muminov Islomjon, Ruziboev Valijon, Zokirov Adham
The impressive progress in the fabrication of low-dimensional semiconductor structures during the past two decades has made it possible to reduce the effective device dimension from three-dimensional bulk materials, to quasi-two dimensional quantum well systems, to quasi-one dimensional quantum
wires, and even to quasi-zero dimensional quantum dots. In this article we discussed about wave function in these structures.

Author: Sardor Usmanovich Dadabayev, Raxmonov Omadjon Mamasidiq ugli
In this article we investigate the stability of the finite difference schemes using the Neumann method for symmetric hyperbolic systems. For the two-dimensional symmetric hyperbolic system, the condition of the Lax-Wendroff scheme stagnation has been studied. To check for resilience using MathCad software it has been done some calculations.

Author: Khujatov Nurbek Jumaboyevich, Abdikarimov Nabijon Ibadullayevich
The problem of the longitudinal vibrations of the elastic strerin of the longitudinal impact of the second free end of the end of the tape is settled on the basis of the second order (classic) differential equation. Depending on the nature of stroke endings and the nature and conditions of the impact, the initial and boundary conditions of the problem were found. To solve the problem, a structured block scheme was created, using a duplicate scheme. Created a structured blockscheme based on "Pascal" and the results were obtained.

Author: Abdikarimov Azamat Egamberganovich, Yusupov Ahmad, Atamuratov Atabek Egamberdiyevich
It is investigated the dependence of intercapacitance between two point charges located in different environments on the relative position of border. The image method is used. It is considered two cases: the charges is located at line which is perpendicular to the border and the charges is located at
line which is not perpendicular to the border. The result show that in both cases the capacitance is increased with displacement the border.

Author: Tulaganov Abdukabil Abdunabiyevich, Hadjiev Ikrom Matnazarovich, Ismailov Erkinbay Davronbekovich
In order to increase the strength and seismicity of the traditional grunt cement blocks, the grunt cement block is proposed to be pressed together
with fiber waste and data on the study of grunt cement blocks made from local raw materials are provided.

Author: Sultanov Bekzod Maqsud ugli, Ismailov Sherzodbek Shokirjon o’g’li
The article describes the hypothesis of the cyclic surface determined in the Galileo domain, the smallest dimensional pseudo-squid space, which is summarized in the five-dimensional two-indexed pseudo-squidoid space and then on the full cyclic surface. Full-scale surfaces have been proven to be in the four-dimensional pseudo-squidoid phase.

Author: Matyokubov Hikmatjon Shuhratovich, Babajanov Doniyor Bahodirovich
In this work we consider the modeling of charge transport processes in branched conducting polymers and verification of conservation laws, such as energy and charge conservation.