Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
The article identifies the advantages of small business and private entrepreneurship in the current conditions of economic development. The statistical data reflecting the share of small business in the economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan is given. The specifics of accounting peculiar to small business enterprises are given, the review of legislative and normative acts regulating the organization of accounting and reporting of small business subjects is given.

Author: Khodjaniyazov Elbek Sardorovich
Transportation is essential element in organizing a tour. The following article reveals recent trends in tourism industry in Khorezm region and studies the importance of adequate transport provision to develop tourism industry. Also, discusses the results of survey conducted by UNWTO in Uzbekistan.

Author: Urinbayev Xoshimjon Bunatovich
This article discusses deviant behavior and its content, forms, the effects of family troubles in children's upbringing, the causes of origin deviance behavior their and the ways to overcome and prevent them.

Author: Radjabov Ozodbek Aminboyevich
The paper presents a broad overview of various approaches adopted in the field of historiography . It also discusses the merits and demerits of the major schools of thought and proposes a new methodology for the study of history within the framework of the proposed Twenty-First Century school of Historiography.

Author: Mamlakat Jumaniyozova, Habibulla Yunuskhodjaev
In this article it was spoken about Akdarband Iranians living in Khorezm, the history of their migration and their role in social and political life of Khiva khanate.

Author: Makhmudova Muazzam Sultonmakhmudovna
This article is devoted to the wonderful events held in the Kokand Khanate.At the beginning of the XVIII century thousands of thousands of representatives of the local population formed the new state - the Kokand Khanate - formed in the Fergana valley. Thus, the depression in the political and social life of the XVII - the beginning of the XVII - the beginning of the XVIII century, the growth of the economic independence of the Fergana valley, and the occupation of the Chodak herds in 1704 and occupying part of Fergana created conditions for it. However, in the north and northwest of Ferghana, Koson, Asht, Chodak were under the control of the owners, but they could not establish an independent state.

Author: Karimov Yashin Abdusharibovich
In the article there is analyzed military strategic significance of the waterway of Amu Darya in ancient and Middle Ages on the basis of sources.

Author: Ja’farkhan Isakhanov
This article focuses on all aspects of the life of young people, their full support and the problems of creating conditions for youth development. The process of globalization, the wide spread of mass culture and the technologization of the information sphere affect the upbringing and social activity
of the younger generation, revealing the need for protection from encroachments on its spiritual world. The formation of social activity of young people and its study create the conditions for creating ideas about the level of the socio-political state of society. The article covers such aspects as: the importance of disclosing the basic concepts of the state youth policy, the need to protect from the influence of various alien ideologies in the period of globalization; substantiated and voiced in scientific circles conclusions and recommendations aimed at improving the spiritual growth of young people, the continuous development of their social and civic responsibility, as well as increasing the effectiveness of youth organizations.

Author: I.Mahkamov, Mirzohid Bekmirzayev, Oxunjon Madaminjonov
The article concentrated highlights the growing demand and needs of the world's population for agricultural products every year and unequal
use of modern technologies in addressing these issues, as well as these of agricultural production and export.

Author: Muzropova Ibroximovna Fazilat, Аxmedova Madina Gayrat qizi
Projecting the electronic map of oil-gas industry is primarily based on digital data. These digital data display the information about oil wells and the fields where geologic zones are located. Practices show that when creating the maps of oil-gas industry processing the information helps to describe most features of the map. In other words, the data can be regularly updated by statistic and tabular reports.