Author: Arzuova Shargul Ansatbayevna
Economic geography during an era of global competition involves a paradox. It is widely recognized that changes in technology and competition have diminished many of the traditional roles of location. Yet clusters, or geographic concentrations of interconnected companies, are a striking feature of
virtually every national, regional, state, and even metropolitan economy, especially in more advanced nations. The prevalence of clusters reveals important insights about the microeconomics of competition and the role of location in competitive advantage. Even as old reasons for clustering have diminished in importance with globalization, new influences of clusters on competition have taken on growing importance in an increasingly complex, knowledge-based, and dynamic economy. Clusters represent a new way of thinking about national, state, and local economies, and they necessitate new roles for companies, government, and other institutions in enhancing competitiveness. Resources, capital, technology, and other inputs can be efficiently sourced in global markets.

Author: D.Usmanova, Shamsiev Jamshid
The economic analysis of an innovative tour product is important because economic growth in highly industrialized countries and international competitiveness are driven by innovations and technological change. At the same time, marked nation-specific prices exist in the sphere of modern
tourism. This article illuminates this concept from different perspectives. Starting from fundamental conceptual and theoretical issues, it defines the main lines of the approach of national innovative products and goes on finding an empirical application of this branch of research by using correlation-regression analysis.

Author: Olimov Maqsudjon Komiljon ugli
This article outlines the economic value and specific features of economic security of country. The main types and criteria of economic security are covered. There are also key indicators of the economic security of the country, as an example, some indicators of the economy of Uzbekistan have analyzed.

Author: N.B. Abdulazizova
This article discusses the international experience of pension reform and examines the experience of the world, including Japan, and compares the characteristics of the pension system in Uzbekistan. The need to transform the Uzbek pension system is due to the increase in maintenance costs, dependence on budget revenues and contributions, low assets and the expected increase in the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of Uzbekistan. In order to improve the national pension system, a package of measures is proposed to ensure its financial balance.

Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
The article deals with ways in which credit can be extended to farmers. The significance and relevance of the loan today is contributing to the development of farming businesses.

Author: Usmanov Marifdjon Shakirovich
Сivil society has many dimensions, among which the economic component is particularly prominent. In this regard, one of the most urgent tasks
remains to find answers to the questions of influence on the processes of civil society formation: small business and private entrepreneurship; formation of a favorable business and investment environment, etc.
The experience of Uzbekistan shows that the development of small business and private entrepreneurship directly affects the formation and development of a middle class of owners in the country – the pillars of civil society.

Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
This article analyzes the savings in water consumption by increasing the productivity of agriculture using drip irrigation technology.

Author: Xatamov Ochildi Qurbonovich, Qosimov Azamat Abdukarimovich
The article analyzes economic indicators of modern industrial enterprises and outlines the main directions of reducing production costs.

Author: Butanova Dilnoza
This article provides an overview of the socioeconomic aspects of secular models in the development of rural tourism and provides an overview of the aspects that can be used in Uzbekistan's charisma.

Author: D.Xudayberganov, S.Allayarov, U.Kuziboev
This article outlines the possibilities of using the foreign experience to increase the share of service sector in the economy of Uzbekistan, which has been widely stated ways of using foreign experience based on the analysis US and UK economy.