Author: Duschanova Z.A.
The objectives of this study were to compare the efficacy and acceptability of traditional and suggested type of therapy in women with severe premenstrual dysphoric disorder and determine the postmenstrual symptom severity as covariate of the treatment response of 56 patients who met inclusion criteria and reported impaired functioning after three screening cycles were assigned to three cycles of suggested type of treatment.
Suggested treatment was superior to traditional method of therapy, as demonstrated by endpoint analysis of Daily Record of Severity of Problems score.

Author: Djumaniyazova Z.F.
The thrombocyte aggregability (TA) and central, peripheral, renal hemodynamics were studied in relation to therapy in patients with acute, chronic, lupus nephritis (AGN, ChGN, LN). The investigation showed that it was noted the increase TA in the cases of AGN, ChGN and LN with nephricоtic form and decrease after pathogenic therapy. ТАpatients with latent variants of GN was in normal limited as before, so as after symptomatic therapy. In all forms of GN it was noted hypokinetic type of hemodynamics, considerable aggravation of renal hemodynamics: decreaseof effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and blood flow (ERBF), increase of renal vascular resistance (RVR).

Author: Djumaniyazova N.S.
It was found that infusions of fireweed, "filipil" and "tribulipil" have the ability to repeatedly increase the number of antibody forming cells in the
spleen and anti body titer to sheep erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of mice with acute toxic hepatitis.

Author: Abdurakhmаnova D.N.
In that article are analyzied modern opinion of author by reins development of preeclamsiya, risk of factors and prediscope of factors in organs of women for development current pathology in aim. Information is showed that preeclamsiya is not only reason of death of mothers and babies but is become array haemorrhage and pus-septic complication.

Author: Madrimova A. G.
The objectives of the present work were to study and evaluate the state of the acoustic analyzer in children with cerebral palsy. The measurements were made by the so-called evoked otoacoustic emission technique. A total of 67 childrens with various forms of cerebral palsy were available for the examination. Screening of the hearing function by the method of evoked otoacoustic emission was performed using an «Neuro-Audio-Screen» device (Neurosoft, Russia). Analysis of the results of audiological examination indicates that up to 58,3% children showed otoacoustic emission from both ears and from one ear respectively. 41,7 % of the children failed otoacoustic emission screening.

Author: Оtakhonov B.R.
This article deals with the results of operations intramedullary nailing of the clavicle with the help of pins of Ilizarov which conducted at theDepartment of general surgery, traumatology and orthopaedics, despite comminuted complex fractures of the clavicle; obtained results are regarded as favorable.

Author: Matrizayeva G.Dj.
Object to study effects of treatment of obesity on main cardiovascular risk characterictics in premenopausal women. In the study 46 women in perimenopausal period with obesity and arterial hypertension (AH) were recruted. The accomplished investigation demonstrated that the complex obesity therapy with gomeopatic remedy was given successfully results.

Author: Sadullaev O.K., Samandarova B.S., Akhmedova M.
The article noted that microbiocenosis in children living in the Southern Aral Sea region has a correlation between indigenous and facultative organisms, at diarrheal diseases "physiological" decline and "pathological" correlation increased.

Author: Yusupova M.A., Bekmetova Sh.K., Ismailov E.A.
The aim of our research is based on the study of clinical and functional features of arterial hypertension to identify the most informative diagnostic criteria for initial stage of hypertension in young adults. During the diagnosis of arterial hypertension in young adults, a comprehensive assessment of all parameters of circadian blood pressure profile is required.

Author: Adambaev Z.I, Kilichev I.A.
We offered complex therapy of diseases with degenerative spinal stenosis lumbar spine. Comparative estimation of the method is made between 70 patients (the main group) and group of the comparison - 40 patients, who got the traditional treatment. Comparative analysis revealed reliable efficiency of proposed method, as the most optimal. On background proposed therapy was noted reliable reducing of the pain and muscular – tonic syndromes, increase the volume of the motion in spine, reduction of neurogenic intermittent claudication.