Author: Babaev Zabibulla Kamilovich, Matchanov Sherzod Kamilovich, Buranova Dinara
Тhe effect of alkaline earth oxides on the physicochemical properties of easy-melting vitreous enamels for architectural and building products are studied. It was established that with the increase of ionic radions of the elements of modifier introduced into the vitreous decreases the viscosity of the molten glass. Also, the dependence of surface tension on the vitreous content of alkaline earth oxides is increased while output modifiers limits up to 20%.

Author: Kurambaev Sherzod Raimberganovich, Aitova Shaxlo Kamilovna, Jumaniyazov Maksud Jabbiyevich, Ermetov Amirbek Ismailovich
The article presents the results of research of technological processes of anticorrosive coatings and substitute petroleum bitumen based on gossipol resin from waste oil and fat plants.

Author: Kurambaev Sh. R., Aitova Sh. K., Ermetov A. I.
This article is focused on the results of dehydration process of the oil and fat waste products- gossypol. The research was held in the temperature interval from room temperature until 160 degrees Celsius while constant shuffling.

Author: Abdullayeva G. K.
In the stochastic manufacturing process conditions and classification of end products of oil extraction production by intersecting quality areas, manufacturing costs can be reduced by varying the values for the number of modes and their coordinates. 25 Built in the model optimization mode technology is designed to surround the purposes of (current) planning production of oil extraction enterprise products.

Author: Babayev Z. K., Djumaniyazov Z. B., Yaqubov Y. X., Xudayberganov E. X.
Preliminary studies have established that the process of burning ceramic bricks containing coke-fines as burn-in additives proceeds much faster, with minimal energy expenditure than the traditional method. Also, under these conditions, it is established that the coke fines serve as a reducing agent and accompanies the decomposition of difficult to decompose salts (Na2SO4, CaSO4), which eliminates such negative phenomena as high education. The reducing medium also positively influences the reduction of iron oxides (Fe2+ to Fe+) contained in loess-like loam, the chemical ratio of which is Fe+ more active than Fe2+, which predetermines the acceleration of the formation of the liquid phase. Further heating of the sintered material layer leads to a decrease in the viscosity of the liquid phase, thereby enveloping the grain of the refractory component, or dissolves in them, forming new chemical compounds.

Author: Firnafas Y.
Mathematical formalization of the test process is reduced to the construction of the static model of operational control of technological progress of the
primary processing of raw cotton, thus it is considered a fixed process parameters and usage of digital technological modes.

Author: Babajanov D. B., Matyokubov H. Sh.
In this paper we discuss the study of charge transport in an armchair graphene nanoribbon drivenby an external time-periodic kicking potential.

Author: Salaeva M.S
This article depicts the study of the educational system in Uzbekistan and the definition of its trends and milestones is inextricably linked with the history of the republic Uzbekistan. Many statistical sources and numerous archival materials have been analyzed. It has been identified and justified that the history of formation and development of education system in the period of the end of 19th and mid 20th century are relayed with the feature of development of its separate stages, the socio-economic level of development of Uzbek society, trends of its cultural formation in a certain period of time. At each stage, the problem has been set and solved as possible to fulfill the educational needs of Uzbek society.

Author: Masharipova I.Yu.
It is known that in the genesis of thrombocytopenia important role identify genetic factors. Significant advances in the study of genetic polymorphisms for thrombocytopenia reveal many unknown aspects of the mechanism of the disease. However, most of these studies are conflicting data. This requires further research to study the role of genetic polymorphisms for thrombocytopenia.

Author: Kuryozov F.O.
In this article complexities of research of influence of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of low-frequency and high-frequency ranges on biological objects are considered. Attempt has been undertaken to estimate influence of EMF on biological objects and to assume the possible mechanism of their action. Under action of variables of EMF in tissues of the test-objects there are processes of two basic types fluctuations of free charges and turns of dipole molecules according to the frequency of EMF.