Author: Sheripov Umarbek Anajanovich
This article gives us information about ethnic composition of people inhabiting the Khorezm oasis at the end of XIX century and beginning of
XX century, nomadic population, their regional location and changes in the ethnic composition of the population after the occupation of Central Asia by the Russian Empire.

Author: Israilova Zarina Sadriddinovna
This article is devoted to the evaluation of the effectiveness of the representative bodies of state power. It focuses on the reform of the public administration system in Uzbekistan, the efficiency of the activities of local authorities and theoretical aspects of the assessment.

Author: Yunuskhodjaev Habibulla
In this article one the Islamic custom – foundation and its traditions were mentioned. In addition to these, there stated the significance of waqf‘s values during Soviet Union.

Author: Ikramova Lazizakhon
The article is devoted to current problems of psychologists, social workers when working with children with disabilities, as well as social adaptation and socialization of children with disabilities. The author reveals the difficulties that exist for people with disabilities and create a certain barrier to their adaptation.

Author: Akbar Saidkasimov
This article analyzes the processes of innovative development of the social sphere in the formation of civil society. Its practical significance in modern
development of society is substantiated theoretically. Views on the future development of the social sphere are given. The problem of innovative development of the social sphere is emphasized as a subject matter of scientific research.

Author: Jabbarov Ozim
The purpose of the current study was to find out the correlation and cause effect relationship between LDL cholesterol and nephropathy in diabetic population. Type-2 diabetes mellitus is an increasingly common metabolic abnormality associated with microvascular and macrovascular complications. It is also the most common cause of end stage renal disease (ESRD). Lipoprotein (Lp) is a recently discussed important independent and inheritable risk factor for micro and macrovascular complications and also an independent risk factor for the progression of diabetic nephropathy in DM2 patients with overt proteinuria.

Author: Sobirova Guzal Naimovna, Abdullaeva Umida Kurbanovna
In the review risk factors which transformations chronic atrophic a gastritis in a stomach cancer promote are analyzed. The characteristic of precancer conditions as increase in risk of development of a cancer of a stomach is given. As risk factor of a cancer of a stomach definition of subtypes intestinal metaplasia is offered, dividing on full and incomplete taking into account decrease in an expression gastric mucin MUC1, MUC5AC and MUC6. The role of a genetic susceptibility of an organism to infected Н pylori, the factors of its pathogenicity promoting metaplasia epithelium is analyzed. Also role Toll-like of receptors 4 types (TLR4), participating in recognition Н. pylori is established. Development of the superfluous immune answer of the owner is connected with receptors of this type, leading to damage of a mucous membrane at Н. pylori-infected persons. In 161 particular, carriers TLR4+896А>G polymorphism have heavier atrophy of a stomach and inflammation degree, and also the raised risk a stomach cancer.

Author: Toshmatova Guzal Adilkhodzhaevna
Our survey indicates that there is a link between the process of risi ng of danger of mastopathie and medico-biologic actions.
The followings are the most important actions: late beginning of "mehrane" (in 15-17 years),late pregnancy, unnatural stopping the pregnancy, unnaturally nursing the baby or shortly nursing, soft or internal diseases (roting of genitalias and various types of illnesses related to sack-shaped tumour) existing, irregular sexual life, excessive bigness of "TVI", puberty and traumas in bust. Early founding out the mastophie can help to prevent and have a prophylactic works on it.

Author: Dilfuza Kasimova, Ermatova Aziza
Children's disability is a major problem today. Hundreds of thousands of disabled children need attention and support of society, social, medical and other assistance. The relevance of this issue indicates the quantitative growth of disability in childhood and adverse trends in its structure.

Author: Urazaliyeva Elmira Ravkatovna, Ermatova Aziza Komiljanovna, Ramanova Dildora Yuldashevna
Every year, an estimated 17 million people globally die of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), particularly heart attacks and strokes. CVDs occur almost equally in men and women. Although heart attacks and strokes are major killers in all parts of the world, 80% of premature deaths from these causes could be avoided by controlling the main risk factors: tobacco, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. By 2015, the total number of cardiovascular disease (CVD) deaths (mainly coronary heart disease, stroke, and rheumatic heart disease) had increased globally to 17.5 million from 14.4 million in 1990.