Author: Gulsum Tagieva
The problem of social solidarity, studying the social-economical position, compassion of care and gayety of society‘s life are studied in this article, and the investigations of foreign scientists on the themes of freedom of person and solidarity as well.

Author: Kandov Bahodir Mirzaevich
This article analyzes social transformations in the context of multiculturalism, cultural diversity, pluralism, equality of values, norms, norms, as a new paradigm. Globalization has been studied in terms of national and universal paradigms and goals. . Also in the context of globalization, conclusions were given on the issues of intercultural dialogue and national self-consciousness and the importance of national self-consciousness.

Author: Bahriddin Usmonov
In the article there were analyzedthe relations between Sultan Abusaid Mirza – the ruler of Temurids‘ state and khan of Mongolia Yunuskhan on the basis of historical sources and some opinions on this issue were narrated.

Author: Khatamov Farkhod Fakhritdinovich
This article was narrated about how to improve the legal literacy of employees in business management, co-operative management and self-governance institutions and how to address legal knowledge, respect for existing law and respect for the law.

Author: Abdukarimova Sayyora Sapaevna
A right of men in the family, their interrelation with the gender issues and equality issues of men and women are widely discussed in this article. The main attention is paid to the gender issues.

Author: Khajieva Maksuda Sultanovna
In this article Sufism ideas used in works of our thinkers, ideas on ethical and humanism views were determined. Moreover, ideas of humanism, not neglecting and ignoring others, providing free living conditions, always being in a good and honest manner to others, being generous, loving and forgiving were justified with examples in wide manner.

Author: Shukhrat Rajabov
This article explores a virtual space that is currently creating a big problem and its impact on the morality and elegence of people, to protect youth from the threat of cyber-extremism in a virtual space, to prevent them from falling into the virtual world's malicious culture.

Author: Doniyorov Alisher Khudayberdiyevich
This article contains information about "Kitab al-Hikma" by Hakim Tirmidhi and its structures. In addition, various ideas about "Hikmah were analyzed.

Author: Yunuskhodjaev Habibulla
This article deals with the history of the wakf of Islam, the meaning of this word, and its importance in social life.

Author: Adilov Zafar
In the article Gazzoliy's works have described the nature of human relationships as well as the ecological norms.