Author: Jabbarov M.T., Kilichev I.A., Xudayberganov N.Yu
The investigation was undertaken on 200 adults in the age from 20 to 60 years in the Aral area region. Comparative analysis showed that headache syndrome was appeared in 60.5% of cases and in women headache syndromes was prevalence in comparison with men 2:1. In other age group the nosological base of headache was tension headache, cervical headache and headache under cerebrovascular diseases.

Author: Kilichev I.A., Ollaberganova G. U.
30 patients with ischemic stroke of vasorenal etiology have displayed convolution of extracranial vessels, a pathological deformation more often caused by the acquired pathology, in particular by the arterial hypertension increasing hydrodynamic pressure to vascular wall that necessitate consideration of
treatment regimens of this pathology.

Author: Jabbarov M.T., Kilichev I.A., Xudayberganov N.Yu.
The investigation was undertaken on 200 adults in the age from 20 to 60 years in the Aral area region. Comparative analysis showed that headache syndrome was appeared in 60.5%.

Author: Adambaev Z.I, Kilichev I.A.
We offered complex therapy of diseases with degenerative spinal stenosis lumbar spine. Comparative estimation of the method is made between 70 patients (the main group) and group of the comparison - 40 patients, who got the traditional treatment. Comparative analysis revealed reliable efficiency of proposed method, as the most optimal. On background proposed therapy was noted reliable reducing of the pain and muscular – tonic syndromes, increase the volume of the motion in spine, reduction of neurogenic intermittent claudication.

Author: Adambaev Z.I, Kilichev I.A.
We studied 110 patients with degenerative spinal canal stenosis (51 patients with cervical localization, 69 with lumbar). Psychogenic component of pain was identified in patients, which is manifested in the form of an imbalance of the autonomic nervous system, lungs depressive and cognitive changes are more pronounced in the cervical localization process.