Author: Abdullaev I.K., Kurbanov S.R., Yusupova T.E., Abdalov B.B.
One of the main characteristics of population health is considered physical development. Our country has created all conditions for doing in for sports and the development of physical culture. Every person, especially young, must clearly realize and understand the importance of physical culture for improving and strengthening health of a man. To make physical culture as a part of everyday life a person should give a proper psychosocial set. In this case the role of a family and other social institutions is very crucial.

Author: Ruzmatov B.Sh., Abdullaev I.K., Kurbanov S.R.
In the region of Khorezm primary disablement caused by hypertension diseases comes to - 14,4 to every 10000 people. Repeated disablement equals to - 56,7±2,19. The characteristics of Yangibozor and Urgench regions are higher compared with the indicators of Hazarasp region that is - 88,6±3,66 to every 10000 people. Total number of disablement caused by hypertension diseases in the region is - 71,1±4,51 to every 10000 people. Its higher level appears to be in Yangibozor - 103,6± 3,96. Characteristics of total disablement number in the rural areas compared with the city is higher to 29,0%.

Author: Abdullaev I.K., Abdullaev R.B., Abdullaev D.I.
Acquiring unhealthy habits takes a special place among other negative factors such as smoking, drinking, drug addiction, hypodynamia, overeating that leads to the pathology of an organism. Acquiring of such habits is directly connected to different actions which happen under influence of human environment, family, different social institutions and human mental set.