Umumiy ma`lumotlar

According to the decree № 916 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan from 07.15.2008 “On additional measures on stimulation of innovative projects and introduction of technologies into manufacture” a number of tasks have been set for higher institutions. Aiming at scientific, applied and innovative elaborations, production modernization and practical mechanisms establishments to stimulate the introduction of developments in the technical and technological renewal processes. Ensuring an inextricable link between science and production, as well as establishment of real sector research organizations and enterprises cooperation. In order to solve these problems, Cabinet ministers of the Uzbekistan Republic adopted a decree №214 of the “On further improvement of procedures of state registration of mass media in the Republic of Uzbekistan” from November, 11 2006 has been studied comprehensively. According to Section 2, of the general provisions of the given decree, a mass media considered as a form of periodic information dissemination. Which has a permanent name and is published in printed (newspapers, journals, directories, bulletins) or in electronic versions (TV, radio or video programs, newsreels, websites in public telecommunication networks), more than once during the 6 months. Consequently, the Council of Urgench State University decided to establish a scientific electronic journal named “Actual Problems of modern Science, Education and Training”. In this very e-journal, article authors are suggested to pay attention to actual problems of exact and natural sciences, socio-economic and technical sciences, pedagogy and psychology spheres, innovative industry development, infrastructures, transport and communication construction. Further transformation of the banking and financial system and its stability increase, continuation of structural changes in the future, and problems of further improving the innovation economic competitiveness. Currently, scientific e-journals are widespread in leading foreign universities. As a result of information-technology era, the shape of electronic mass media in the form of websites in public telecommunication networks has increased. Wide introduction of such publications will not only ensure the rapid transfer of information, but also will lead to the productive use of paper. In the decree № 155 of Cabinet of the Uzbekistan Republic “On additional measures on saving and rational use of paper in the Republic” from 07.22.2010 it is said about wide introduction of local and cross-sectorial problems in the management into fast decision process. In practice, they switch to the wide use of electronic document interchange system. Therefore, the network of interactive services enlarged. In the resolution of the problem of effective use of information and communication technologies in paper economy and its rational use in the document of management process where noted as an important one. Published scientific electronic journal “Actual Problems of modern Science, Education and Training” were included in the list of republican scientific journals by the decision of the HAC of Uzbekistan Republic, which were recommended for the main scientific results of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Science publication. Close acquaintance of young scientists, senior scientific collaborators-applicants, independent applicants and masters with authoritative scientific achievements, leading scientists and republic’s associates, as well as operative communication to the broad masses on innovative achievements of social and economic spheres of the republic are the main tasks of this electronic journal. The journal's internet address is