Author: Mansurova Nargiza Asrorovna
The article presents the data of our studies on cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD): their characteristics and risk factors,
features of clinical manifestations.

Author: Kuchkarova Cholpona Habibullaevna
The present research works at the Andijan Municipal Water Treatment Plant Joint Stock Company recommendations were made to use Pistia Telezorovid, a high-water plant, to effectively neutralize the waste water in order to improve the biological treatment of communal waste water, which is the main treatment.

Author: Khurshida Salavatova San‘at qizi
This article gives a clear view of soil, its features and improving its fertility peculiarities. Moreover, this article highlightes some information on types of soils and their important properties.

Author: Jumaniyazova Dilnoza Maxsudovna, Zakirov Baxtiyor Sabirjanovich, Jumaniyazov Maxsud Jabbiyevich
For over 150 years, reinforced concrete structures have been used in construction. A long-term study of the durability of reinforced concrete structures in various operating conditions shows that dangerous damages caused by the development of reinforcement corrosion, which pose a threat to public health, are often encountered. Corrosion of reinforcement is usually caused by exposure to reinforced concrete by atmospheric chemical factors caused by the presence of aggressive components in concrete, such as sulfates, carbonates, chlorides. Today in domestic practice there are over 100 different compositions for inhibiting the corrosion of reinforcing steel. The best results are achieved with the use of inhibitory additives to the cement of sodium and calcium nitrites. The disadvantages of the existing anticorrosive materials are their high cost and low accessibility, as well as the impossibility of using them to combat multicomponent salt and acid corrosion. In the conditions of the Aral Sea region, in the production of reinforced concrete products, highly saline water and quartz sand are used, which contain chloride and sulphate salts of calcium, magnesium and sodium in various amounts (Table 1). With the presence of the listed salts in the composition of reinforced concrete products, steel reinforcement is subjected to severe corrosion. Therefore, one of the important tasks is the protection of steel reinforcement in concrete products produced in the conditions of the Khorezm region and the Republic of Karakalpakstan.

Author: Zarina Abduazimova
The article discusses the basic principles of environmental ethics and the characteristics of the principle of biodiversity. The principle of biodiversity
has the characteristic features of elevating moral values regarding the moral and caring attitude of a person to the world around. The article describes the main directions of environmental ethics and principles of biodiversity. Biological diversity is the diversity of all life on Earth, from gene-based ecosystems, including all types of animals, plants and microorganisms that inhabit all the habitats of the planet. It "permeates" each of the three main levels of the organization of living matter, hence the three branches of biodiversity: genetic, species and environmental. Biological diversity at the species level covers the entire range of species on Earth from bacteria and protozoa to the kingdom of multicellular plants, animals and fungi. On a smaller scale, biodiversity includes genetic diversity of species formed by both geographically distant populations and individuals within the same population. Biological diversity also includes the diversity of biological communities, species, ecosystems formed by communities and the interaction between these levels. All levels of biological diversity are necessary for the continuous survival of species and natural communities. According to the famous biologist Edward Wilson, biodiversity is the very essence of life.

Author: Kholmurodov Mengboy Amirovich, Kodirova Dilbar Normuminovna, Kurbonova Zebiniso Mukhammadzokirovna
The richness of the phytocenotic, floristic diversity of the vegetation cover of the Baysun-Chulbair Mountains is in accordance with the general natural law, ie its geographical, orographic, geological, hydrological, climatic and soil types, sea level and mountain slopes expositions, the harmony of the taxonomic units historically formed by the plant communities associated with them, ie because of the biogeocenosis complex were found and evaluated in the size of the independent district.

Author: Akhmedov Kadir Karimovich, Shamuradov Alibek
For more than 2000 years, the Aral Sea has been the largest closed body of water in Central Asia. Since the second half of the twentieth century, it began to dry. Saving the Aral Sea is the main task of the present generation.

Author: Jabborova Dilfuza Pushkinovna, Baboev Saidmurat Kimsanboevich, Davranov Kakhramon
In the article, effect of Rhizobium 3 and Rhizobium 9 preparations on growth of mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) were studied. The increase of the preparation Rhizobium9 on number of nodules and growth of mungbean compared to Rhizobium 3 and control were determined.

Author: Karimova Nargiza Abdugafurovna
This article discusses the interaction of genetics, heredity and the environment, which are influenced by the unconscious and consciousness, and this discipline is the result of the motivation and participation of the human mind. The environment in the genetic composition of individual differences in the psychological characteristics of man. The influence of genetic and environmental factors is adjusted in the discipline. It is necessary to take into account the indicators of the reasons for personal differences in the studied features. Below are some of the most important results of gene influence.

Author: Ruzmetov Umid Ismailovich, Safarova Nigora Karimdjanovna, Safarov Karimdjon Safarovich, Ulugova Safargul Fayzullaevna
The use of various doses of mineral fertilizers determines the effectiveness of the cultivation of chamomile medicinal 1.5-2 times due to an increase
in the number of branching, the number of flowers and biomass. Thus, it is noted that the use of mineral fertilizers on an area of 1m2 leads to an increase in wet weight of plants by an average of 184% dry weight by 170%, leaf area by 148% and the development of the root system by 157% relative to the control variant. The height and diameter of the stem increased by an average of 136%, and yield by 180%.