Author: Ilyos Abdullaev, Urgench State University
In this paper analyzed relationship between Industrial production and investments based on Econometric models. Built econometric models based on of Solow model with the help of Cobb-Douglas production function for estimating efficiency of investment attraction to the Industry of Uzbekistan.

Author: D.Xudayberganov
This article provides examples of how to create new tourist routes in Khorezm region to enhance tourism potential of the region, as illustrated by the development of tourist routes.

Author: Ruzmetov B, Masharipova M.А
In this paper the issues of elimination of any bureaucratic obstacles directed to improvement of favorable business climate as well as development of entrepreneurship activities and problems in strengthening their legal rights and interests fully are analyzed.

Author: Mamatov Bakhrom Shavkat ugli
The denationalization and privatization are cited the key factors of the market-oriented economy in order to develop and fascinate foreign investments.
Especially, the term fits to the developing countries. Therefore, the article covers the historical aspects of privatization around the world and its consequences. Moreover, the article focuses the Uzbekistan’s affairs on privatization from law aspects, and the results.

Author: KurbanovMuzaffar
This article depicts about the Khorezm region antic time monuments analyses and archeological research surveys by the scientists during Independence years.

Author: Navruzuv Safarbay Navruzuvich, Tojiyeva Feruza Jumaboyevna

Author: Navruzuv Safarbay Navruzuvich, Tojiyeva Feruza Jumaboyevna
The article deals with the scientific expedition of Khorezm oasis, organized in 1925 under the leadership of academician N. Vavilov. It is noticeable that Khorezm is a historical agrarian country, which has a high agricultural culture. The researcher N. Vavilov, studying the numerous materials gathered by the participants of the expedition, has brought more than 80 types of agricultural plants of Khorezm oasis, besides there were described characteristics of some plants.

Author: Shikhov O.
This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of archeological investigations carried out in Lower Amu Darya basin during the years of independence.

Author: Abdullaev I.K., Kurbanov S.R., Yusupova T.E., Abdalov B.B.
One of the main characteristics of population health is considered physical development. Our country has created all conditions for doing in for sports and the development of physical culture. Every person, especially young, must clearly realize and understand the importance of physical culture for improving and strengthening health of a man. To make physical culture as a part of everyday life a person should give a proper psychosocial set. In this case the role of a family and other social institutions is very crucial.

Author: Sapaeva Sharofat Aminovna, Madaminova Guzal Ibragimovna
The hypoglycemic effect of Predian has a strong property of angioprotective, so significantly reducting its introduction of microangiopathy, improves tissue trophism and prevent development of atrophic changes in the mucosa and villi of the intestine as a whole.