Author: Ruzmatov B.Sh., Abdullaev I.K., Kurbanov S.R.
In the region of Khorezm primary disablement caused by hypertension diseases comes to - 14,4 to every 10000 people. Repeated disablement equals to - 56,7±2,19. The characteristics of Yangibozor and Urgench regions are higher compared with the indicators of Hazarasp region that is - 88,6±3,66 to every 10000 people. Total number of disablement caused by hypertension diseases in the region is - 71,1±4,51 to every 10000 people. Its higher level appears to be in Yangibozor - 103,6± 3,96. Characteristics of total disablement number in the rural areas compared with the city is higher to 29,0%.

Author: Khaytboyeva N.
In this paper given information on the significance of light industry in Uzbekistan and its perspectives for further development. In addition, given recommendations and suggestions identifying and eliminating the factors affecting the development of the light industry in Uzbekistan.

Author: Nasretdinova F.
This article discusses the concepts of social entrepreneurship, its causes, types and importance of corporate social responsibility in solving community problems and promoting social welfare.

Author: Abdullayev F.O., Ismailov A.B.
The article examines the problems and prospects for the development of the leasing industry and, based on the analytical data of the Khorezm region, highlights the importance of diversifying leasing services in Uzbekistan.

Author: M. Gulmanov
Budget effectiveness of tax breaks is analyzed, the coefficient of budget effectiveness of tax breaks for several types of taxes and districts in Khorezm region is determined in this article. Practical advice and recommendations for the improvement of tax system and tax breaks are presented as well.

Author: Rakhmonov N. R.
The paper deals with the analysis of different approaches and models of budgetary financing reforms in some foreign countries (Japan, Germany, Russia) for the purpose of their autonomy expansion in the context of their application opportunities in Uzbekistan. Moreover, the growth in the social demand for higher education, the globalization and internationalization of the higher education system, the recognition of the need to improve the quality of studies coincide with the financing aspects of activities of higher education institutions.

Author: Yuldasheva Z.K.
In the given article the English idioms are given and discussed their meanings and equivalents are given in those languages. Moreover, there are many examples for phraseological fusion and their literal translation to other languages.

Author: Abdalov U.M.
In this article researched the significance of animal husbandry in the traditional economy of Kharezm region and magic aspects relating to domestic pets in the life of Uzbeks.

Author: V. Sapayev
The matter of the spiritual values role in the process of building democratic society in Uzbekistan is explored from the point of future.

Author: Annayeva
In this article today‘s Uzbek women‘s entrepreneurial activity is analyzed. Not only women‘s managerial skills, but also their business excellence are examined in this article. Furthermore, social portrait of today‘s businesswoman is defined.