Author: Sarvar Ruzimbaev, Dildora Khudayberganova
The given article is devoted to researching the historical words in the lexis of Khorezm Dastans. The historical methods such as social-political, military, constructive –architectural and religious are analyzed and their peculiar formation is brightened up.

Author: Rakhmanova Yulduzxon Madirimovna
This article defines the types of handicrafts available in the Khiva khanate and the involvement of women in it. It is highlighted that the main trends of craftsmanship and the new types of professions, which were influenced by the political and socio-political processes at the beginning of the 19th - early 20th centuries inKhorezm oasis.

Author: Anyоzov Ruslan
This article examines the history of Khorezm caravan roads in the Russian historiography (the 70s of 16th and 19th centuries).