Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
The article deals with ways in which credit can be extended to farmers. The significance and relevance of the loan today is contributing to the development of farming businesses.

Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
This article analyzes the savings in water consumption by increasing the productivity of agriculture using drip irrigation technology.

Author: I.Mahkamov, Mirzohid Bekmirzayev, Oxunjon Madaminjonov
The article concentrated highlights the growing demand and needs of the world's population for agricultural products every year and unequal
use of modern technologies in addressing these issues, as well as these of agricultural production and export.

Author: Doschanov Tangirbergen Doschanovich, Ataev Jasur Erkinovich
In this paper looked through the formation and development of the agricultural products market in Uzbekistan, as well as its specific features. The main attention was paid to the general and specific characteristics of this market, taking into account the position of agricultural producers and their role in the market.

Author: Abdalov U.M.
In this article researched the significance of animal husbandry in the traditional economy of Kharezm region and magic aspects relating to domestic pets in the life of Uzbeks.

Author: K. S. Sobirov, U. M. Abdalov
This article researched the cuisines of ancient Khorezm people which were consumed in the materialistic culture in Khorezm region.