Author: Gandjaeva L.A.
To evaluate the growth and development of winter wheat under 3 factors (sowing dates, irrigation regimes and rate of fertilization) in Khorezm region,
there was done an experiment using a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar Kuma. For the experiment we used three sowing dates: D1=1st of
October, D2=10th of October, D3= 20th of October, 2 irrigation treatments, including 60-65-60, 65-70-60 and 2 fertilizaton treatments: the following doses of N150P100K75 kg ha-1 and N200P140K100 kg ha-1 , was conducted in the field №119 of the Dildora-Bojimon farm of Yangibazar district of the Khorezm region during the 2014–2016 growing seasons.