Author: Yadgarov B. J., Sharipov A. K., Sherov Z. T.
Planning and organizing tasks of light athlete runners‘ preparation in yearly cycle are illustrated in the article.

Author: Masharipov F.T., Raximov M.M., Rozmetov R.T.
This article deals with the problems of the developing of the culture of greeting and preparing higher qualified sportsmen and the demands to the specialist of physical education.

Author: Yusupov D.
Matters of approaching to modeling the branch of teaching with the principal of neuron nets technology are looked through, and this is the base of coordinated active teaching with computers as well as observation system.

Author: U.J.Atadjanov, B.A.Doschanov, G.U.Jumanazarova
In recent years a lot of information has been given about relation of stomach and kidney functions. According to analysis of books,inerrelation with metabolic hyperacidity of stomach illness in kidney illness stands for the first plаce. It is showed that stomach illnesses with calculous pyelonephritis is 70%.

Author: Sadullaev O. K.
In this article it is determined that microbial strains isolated from feces plasmocoagulase worked out heavily than strains isolated from the control group.

Author: Nazarov K. D., Ganiev A. G., Sohibova M. J., Baynazarov A. A.
This article analyzes the transformation of the etiological structure of pneumonia in children of preschool age for the period of 2012-2016. After examination of 120 children, it was revealed that for the last six years the structure of extramural pneumonia in preschool children has changed significantly. The predominant pathogens are Streptococcus pneumoniae and Streptococcus pyogenes. It was revealed that the occurrence of pneumonia associated with Mycoplasma pneumonia and Chlamydophila pneumoniae has increased for the past two years.

Author: Rahmetova M.
Day by day, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome increases globally, which leads to an increase in associated cardiovascular diseases (CVD), diabetes, hypertension, endometrial cancer and cancers of colon, breast and prostate.

Author: Sadullaev O. K.
The article defines that the isolated microorganism strains from the faeces of sick children with diarrheal diseases produced hemolysin heavily than the strains isolated from the control group.

Author: Kurbanova N.N., Babadjanova Sh.K., Alimova M.M., Salavatova Kh.S.
According to experimental of ischemia reperfusion of brain in the early stages studied antioxidant system mitochondrial fraction of hepatocyte. It was found that the greatest changes in the antioxidant system were noted after 6 hours and was accompanied by increased activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase activity decline. These changes do not regains at 12 and 24 hours after reperfusion.

Author: Avezov M.I., Batirov D.Yu., Allanazarov A.Kh., Sultonova F.A.
Frequency of polyposis rhinosinusitis (PRS) has an accurate tendency of growth, specific gravity in the structure of a case rate of ENT organs makes 5-20%. Search of new approaches to early diagnosis and well-timed medicamental treatment of PRS.