Author: Sheripov Umarbek Atajanovich
In this paper looked through the methodology of teaching the subject of history, highlighting historical themes in scientific papers, as well as matters of research methods.

Author: Nurullaeva Shoira Kushnazarovna
In this article, the scientific analysis of men’s traditional hats of Khorezm oasis has been elaborated on the basis of scientific literature and field records.

Author: Saduilayev Otanazar Kodirovich
The article summarizes the moderate impact of the use of traditional methods of treatment in children with colienteritis living in the South Aral Sea.

Author: Nazarov Komil Dadaevich, Ganiev Abdurashid Ganievich, Efimenko Oksana, Botirov Azizbek Ravshanovich
Examination of 32 children with atopic dermatitis, complicated by staphylococcal infection. Revealed violations of B-cell, humoral immunity and phagocytic activity of neutrophils. The revealed violations of immunological parameters in children suffering from atopic dermatitis complicated by staphylococcal infection are the basis for the appointment of immunomodulators as part of complex therapy aimed at stimulating the B-cell and humoral immunity, as well as the phagocytic activity of neutrophils.

Author: Nazarov Komil Dadaevich, Ganiev Abdurashid Ganievich, Urumbaeva Samir Alimzhanovna, Abdurashidov Abduraup Abdurashidovich
The results of the evaluation of the frequency and risk factors of developing food allergies, particularly its etiological structure and immunological characteristics in children of HELL, which has several pharmacologically stable chronic diseases presented in the article. Food Allergy was detected in 65% of children. Etiological structure of food sensitization has its own characteristics in accordance with the nosology of the disease. Children with atypical signs of disease show a combination of pathogenetic mechanisms of development of food Allergy.

Author: Ruzmetov Bahtiyar, Rakhimova Muyassar
The article analyzes the factors of ecological and economic development of the region and developed proposals.

Author: Sarimksakov Abdushukur Abdukhalilovich, Rashidova Sayyora Sharafovna, Baltaeva Mukhabbat Matnazarovna, Eshchanov Khushnud Odilbekovich, Shigabutdinov Amir Anvarovich
The article presents the process of obtaining the copper-polymer complex by a dry mechanochemical method.

Author: Mardonov Bahtiyor Teshaevich
For the production conditions of the NMP MU, it is very important to study the accuracy of the settings of the gear blanks on the tool holders. Therefore, the article considers the issue of studying the accuracy of the installation of gears in the factory and improving the accuracy of the installation through the use of biaxial shaft-hole joints.

Author: Yadgarov Bahodir Jumatovich, Ro`zmetov Roman Narimanovich, Polvonov Davronbek Jumanazarovich
This article discusses improving physical readiness of 9-10-year-old children in comprehensive schools by means of national outdoor games and teaching them elements of track-and-field athletics. The article also discusses finding effective ways of increasing the role of national outdoor games basing their educative aspects theoretically.

Author: B.J. Yadgarov, R.N. Ruzmetov, D.B. Yadgarov
In this article there was illustrated organizing and planning the trainings of sprinters in a yearly cycle.