Author: Umidjon Rahimovich Matyaqubov, E.DEFRANCESCO
The article addresses some issues rural tourism and analyses the current condition of tourism sector of Khorezm region. The tourism opportunities of rural areas in the Khorezm region are explored also and a SWOT analysis of rural tourism development in the region has been carried out. Recommendations for the development of rural tourism activities are given as well.

Author: Rakhmanova Yulduzxon Madirimovna
This article outlines the role and place of women in ancient beliefs that was in the usage within Khorezm oasis, and the ceremonies and customs associated with female goddess.

Author: Samanova Shahlo
In this article were analyzed religious conviction, important ind icators of person spiritual perfection, religious sincerity and spiritual bases. In the conclusions and ideas produced during the analysis, religious sincerity, conscienc e liberty, religious conviction of other person, attitude to other religious and its re presentatives with respect, living friendly of different religious and confession rep resentatives were emphasized.

Author: Nurimbetov Ravshan Ibragimovich, Abdurakhimov Muzaffar Daminjonovich
This article analyzes existing problems in archive affairs as the archive field is considered as a part of the public service. Moreover, the article provides scientific recommendations in the regard of problems.

Author: Rakhmanova Yulduzxon Madirimovna
This article defines the types of handicrafts available in the Khiva khanate and the involvement of women in it. It is highlighted that the main trends of craftsmanship and the new types of professions, which were influenced by the political and socio-political processes at the beginning of the 19th - early 20th centuries inKhorezm oasis.

Author: Safarov Tolib Tojiyevich
After the conquest of Central Asia by Russia, its ruling circles began to pursue an aggressive policy, appropriating all of its natural and material riches. To achieve these goals, the agenda raises the question of linking the territory of Russia with Central Asia via railways. This article focuses on issues related to the design of the Trans-Caspian Railway, the approval of these projects, the progress of construction by rail between cities, as well as changes in trade links, an increase in the number of goods carried.This article focuses on issues related to the design of the Trans-Caspian Railway, the approval of these projects, the progress of construction by rail between cities, as well as changes in trade links, an increase in the number of goods carried. These informations are presented through archival data and relevant literature.

Author: Khojamuratov Umarjon Rustamovich
The article deals with the transformation processes in the agrarian sector in Uzbekistan at the end of the 20th century. In addition, there is shown the role of rental contract, garden plot economy and farming economy in the provision of food security in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Author: Anyоzov Ruslan
This article examines the history of Khorezm caravan roads in the Russian historiography (the 70s of 16th and 19th centuries).

Author: Rakhmanova Yulduzxon Madirimovna
The development of Art of Music, representatives of different musical genre, musical style peculiar to Khorazm, musical instruments, makom and dance in Khiva Khanate; also the history of women-artists are revealed in this article.

Author: Navruzov Safarboy
In the article the speech goes on about scientific works of Оrest Shkapsky in which questions of irrigated agriculture of Khiva khanate at the end of the 19th - the beginnings of the 20th centuries were investigated. It is necessary to notice, that the farming culture of Khiva khanate of this period reached a high level of development thanks to peasants’ hard work. The author of the article acquaints readers with interesting materials about agriculture of Khiva khanate resulted by the researcher Shkapsky at the end of the 19th century.