Author: Abipova G.S.
The article focuses on the development of competitive environment in the field of pharmaceuticals management and the roles of the theory of competitiveness in managing production costs.

Author: Khodjaniyazov Elbek Sardorovich
Transportation is an integral part of tourism industry. This article investigates the importance of developing transport infrastructure for tourism sector in Uzbekistan.

Author: Ilyos Abdullaev, Allayarov Sardor Frunzeyevich
This article represents data on the role of the service sphere in providing employment in the region. Also, a comprehensive analysis of development of the service sphere in the region has been made, and recommendations and proposals have been made to enhance its future efficiency.

Author: Dilshod Xudayberganov, Dilnoza Butanova
This article explores opportunities for the development of rural entrepreneurship in the Khorezm region of the Republic of Uzbekistan and outlines future improvements in the sector.

Author: Rakhimova Sadokat Mamutovna
In this article, share of paid medical services market of our Republic is analyzed in span of years. And also, supporting of private sector of healthcare sphere and given opportunities are shown.

Author: Doschanov Tangirbergen Doschanovich, Ataev Jasur Erkinovich
In this paper looked through the formation and development of the agricultural products market in Uzbekistan, as well as its specific features. The main attention was paid to the general and specific characteristics of this market, taking into account the position of agricultural producers and their role in the market.

Author: Aminboy Sadullaev
The article describes the methodology of statistical research on the demographic development of Khorezm region, including the population, its natural growth, marriages and divorce processes.

Author: Muminov Azizbek Ziyoviddinovich
The article deals with the development of proposals for promising directions, mechanisms and tools for the development of ecological tourism in the country, taking into account foreign experience and practice, further expansion of international cooperation in the field of ecotourism and nature

Author: Quchkarov Nuriddin Tovmuratovich
The factors influencing the control of expenses have been divided into internal and external types in this scientific article. For instance, level of imposing quality management of company’s control system, adequacy in company’s resource stock base and level of using them efficiently, implementation of marketing practices in required level, importance of media in company’s affairs and strength of control system within company are included within internal factors.

Author: Gafurov Anvar Bazarbayevich
The article focuses on the corporate governance system. The article includes the international frameworks of this system and their principles. The research covers three types of international governance framework approaches are given in this paper. These international framework approaches’ mechanisms connect organization to their affairs. The main purpose of article is to compare these international frameworks in order to clarify their distinguishable aspects.