Author: Abdullaeva Manzura
In this article, Isakhan Ibrat's contribution to jurisprudence is explained by studying the poet's work and analyzing historical sources and works. The author also tries to interpret the essay "True word" written in the article by Ibrat's "Selected Works", and tries to make a deep analysis of the poem's poem "Qazi qotil". He also cites his arguments by quoting various literary scholars on the contribution Ibrat has made to his jurisprudence.

Author: Davletov Erkaboy Yusubovich
This article discusses the competence approaches, their sociopedagogical significance, directions, objectives, the importance of personal development, the opportunities for socialization of pupils in the general secondary schools in Uzbekistan and this article is a guide for teachers, curriculum authors and researchers.

Author: Nafasov Donyor Shernafasovich
This article highlights current reforms in the field of tourism, the development of tourism laws, decrees and decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as a key element in improving the tourist culture of students in higher education.

Author: Rakhmonov Norim Razzakovich
The article highlights the regional aspects of improving the efficiency and quality of training. Such factors as educational quality assurance programs, the scientific potential of teachers who are involved in the educational process, means of organizing education, educational technology, and the level of quality of management of an educational institution are studied. The optimal ways and prospects for creating a competitive environment among faculty members to improve the quality of education and the state of the distribution of universities and branches by region in the future have been studied.

Author: Gaffarova Dilafruz Vaydulla qizi
In this article the main attention is paid to the creation of Shakespeare’s tragedies and their roles in the world literature. In the following there are given information about Shakespeare’s realistic views and their description in his tragedies. In addition, in this article you can know about politeness theory which was used in Shakespeare’s major tragedies. The main periods of play writer’s life and creation of works are also given in the following. While reading we can learn it is obvious from Shakespeare’s works that he is aware of the various fields of his works.

Author: Khakimova Farida Ilhom qizi, Esanov Azizbek Shermamat o`g`li
In this article, authors discuss the issues related to the creation of language corpus of Uzbek Language. In this regard, the matter, such as the collection of language units in the corpus, different national corpus and difficulties in creating the corpus of Uzbek language, are thoroughly analyzed and a number of proposals are suggested.

Author: Sarvar Ruzimbaev, Dildora Khudayberganova
The given article is devoted to researching the historical words in the lexis of Khorezm Dastans. The historical methods such as social-political, military, constructive –architectural and religious are analyzed and their peculiar formation is brightened up.

Author: Rakhimova Umida Salievna
One of the methods to optimize the learning process is a related training in all kinds of speech activity. This paper discusses issues relating to training receptive types of speech activity (reading and listening), namely especially the conditions in which they arise; real communication conditions in comparison with the educational process; psychological mechanisms involved; mutual receptive types of speech activity.

Author: Koriyev Mirzokhid Rustamjonovich, Nishanova Intizor Rahmonjon qizi
This article outlines the results of the touristic potentials of Namangan region. There are also suggestions and comments on tourism development throughout the region.

Author: Otabek Allajonovich Abduganiev
The article is devoted to economic and mathematical models reflecting the influence of various factors on food security in the Surkhandarya region. And also scientifically grounded and practical recommendations on improving the food security of the region are given.