Author: K. S. Sobirov, U. M. Abdalov
This article researched the cuisines of ancient Khorezm people which were consumed in the materialistic culture in Khorezm region.

Author: Rakhmanova Y.
This article deals with the daily women life in Khiva Khanate in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as the traditions of home and field work, craftsmanship, bride, women's customs, and the role of women in the socioeconomic life of the country.

Author: H. Matyoqubov
It is looked into to reveal the history of the people around The lower reaches of the Amu Darya in written resources in this article.

Author: Rakhmanova Y.
In the given article is said about features of researches made by Uzbek scientists on women livelihood in the framework of various spheres in the independence years. There was analyzed the history of women problems, sociopolytical activity, women's status.

Author: Abdullaev U.I.
The reasons of the collapse of the primitive community in Central Asia and the history of the first statehood were examined in the article.

Author: Jumyaniyazov M. J., Kurambaev Sh. R., Jumaniyazova D. M., Saparbayeva N. K., Aitova Sh. K.
The aim of this research is creation of the composition of the converter of the rust modifier with improved physical-mechanical and technical indicators, with high adhesion and anticorrosion properties, with more stability of phosphate layers. The objective is solved with that in the composition of the coveter of rust modifier, including 22% aqueous solution of orthophosphoric acid, furfuryl alcohol and addition of amine group, differing with that in addition includes nitro lignin and as addition of amine group-hexamethylenetetramine.

Author: Jumaniyazov M. J., Kurambaev Sh. R., Jumaniyazova D. M., Saparbaeva N. K., Ermetov A. I.
The purpose of this study is to create a rust modifier transducer composition with improved physical-mechanical and technological indicators, high adhesion and anticorrosion properties, greater stability of phosphate layers for metal structures.

Author: Eshchanov K., Shigabutdinov A., Baltaeva M.
The article describes the procedure for hydrolysis of fibroin from natural lye and the production of complexes from powdery "polymer-metal" lye. In
the preparation of complexes, heavy metals are mainly used. Methods for the preparation of polymer complexes have been studied.

Author: B.A Babajanov
In this paper, it is shown that the solutions of the Toda-type chain with self-consistent source can be found by the inverse scattering method for the discrete Sturm-Liuville operator.

Author: Q. Olloyorov, V. Madiyorova
This article points out the similar features of the literary works in both: Uzbek and English. Anglo-Saxon poem "Beowulf" and Uzbek national dastans are compared, besides some examples are discussed. The description of the main characters and places‘ names are analyzed.