Author: Joao Oliveria Venture, Khujatov Nurbek Jumaboevich
The paper presents the two-phase model to describe blood flow in large and in small blood vessels. Based on this model the study gives an explanation for long known features (effects) of blood flow in the vessels: dependence of the hematocrit (packed cell volume) on the diameter of the vessel, existence of cell-free plasma layer near the vessel wall, obtuse (as compared with the profile of Poiseuille flow) velocity profile of a blood; dependence of the blood viscosity on the diameter of the vessel. The researcher determines dependences of the blood rate and viscosity on the diameter of a blood vessel.
With the flow of blood in small vessels (less than 200 μm), the rheological properties of the blood depend on the size of the vessel - the apparent viscosity of the blood drops with a decrease in the diameter of the blood vessel. To describe the flow of blood in small vessels, it is necessary to create an equation of state that depends (apart from other parameters) on the diameter of the vessel.

Author: Rakhimova Mumina Zakirjonovna
This article analyzes the development of scientific and technical potential, the expansion of the integration of science and production, comprehensive support for innovation. Opinions are expressed on the participation of young people in the development of the system of national innovation, on strengthening cooperation between science and production, on strengthening and expanding scientific and technical research in the country.

Author: Tag’anov Ravshanbek Otaboyevich
This course focuses on the development of graphic assignments, graphic design, and active use of space imagery in the development of geometry and drawing geometry.

Author: Abdullaev Davron
This article deals with the pedagogical challenges of teaching English for specific purposes at Urgench state university.

Author: Hulkar Gaipova.
In this article are highlighted journalistic views about literary words and poetry in the literary thoughts janre of well-known poet M. Abdulhakim.

Author: Pulatova Zamira Abdullaevna
There are different approaches to improve students’ speaking skill. One of the approaches is through communicative language teaching (CLT) approach. CLT is the approach in which the students are asked to use the language for communication in real situation. CLT will allow students the opportunity to use the target language in an authentic way.The article deals with the issue of working out useful and effective ways and some methods of teaching and developing students’ speaking skills in English foreign language classes.

Author: Nurmatova M, Karimova F
The article illustrates the comparison between English and Uzbek lullabies based on their semantic classification.

Author: M.Jumaniyozova
This article explores the ways of learning in primary class extracurricular study lessons about Muhammadrizo Ogahiy `s life and work who left great
literary heritage as a historian, translator and poet in Uzbek classical literature.

Author: Otoboy Jumaniyazov
This article deals with the poet Matnazar Abdulhakim's poetry, its artistic aspects, its stylistic colors, poet-speaking art, and artistic imagery. The poet's
poetry emphasizes the emphasis on such concepts and qualities as the most important thing in human life, such as purity, honesty, friendship.

Author: Jumaniyazova Sharifa Rashidovna
This article outlines the role of small business and private entrepreneurship in the industry, which is one of the leading sectors of the economy, as well as increasing the incomes and well-being of the population.