Author: Kholmurodov Mengboy Amirovich, Kodirova Dilbar Normuminovna, Kurbonova Zebiniso Mukhammadzokirovna
The richness of the phytocenotic, floristic diversity of the vegetation cover of the Baysun-Chulbair Mountains is in accordance with the general natural law, ie its geographical, orographic, geological, hydrological, climatic and soil types, sea level and mountain slopes expositions, the harmony of the taxonomic units historically formed by the plant communities associated with them, ie because of the biogeocenosis complex were found and evaluated in the size of the independent district.

Author: Ilyos Abdullaev, Allayarov Sardor Frunzeyevich
This article represents data on the role of the service sphere in providing employment in the region. Also, a comprehensive analysis of development of the service sphere in the region has been made, and recommendations and proposals have been made to enhance its future efficiency.

Author: Ruzmetov Bahtiyar, Rakhimova Muyassar
The article analyzes the factors of ecological and economic development of the region and developed proposals.

Author: D.Xudayberganov
This article provides examples of how to create new tourist routes in Khorezm region to enhance tourism potential of the region, as illustrated by the development of tourist routes.

Author: Ruzmatov B.Sh., Abdullaev I.K., Kurbanov S.R.
In the region of Khorezm primary disablement caused by hypertension diseases comes to - 14,4 to every 10000 people. Repeated disablement equals to - 56,7±2,19. The characteristics of Yangibozor and Urgench regions are higher compared with the indicators of Hazarasp region that is - 88,6±3,66 to every 10000 people. Total number of disablement caused by hypertension diseases in the region is - 71,1±4,51 to every 10000 people. Its higher level appears to be in Yangibozor - 103,6± 3,96. Characteristics of total disablement number in the rural areas compared with the city is higher to 29,0%.

Author: Ruzmetov B, Masharipova M.
The article considers the competitive advantages of the region in development of private entrepreneurship and small business.

Author: Ruzmetov B., Abdullayev I.S.
This paper considers construction problems of complex econometric models of regional economic system at an example of the Khorezm region.