Author: Matjonov Bekjon Ravshonbekovich
The article deals with ways in which credit can be extended to farmers. The significance and relevance of the loan today is contributing to the development of farming businesses.

Author: Xatamov Ochildi Qurbonovich, Qosimov Azamat Abdukarimovich
The article analyzes economic indicators of modern industrial enterprises and outlines the main directions of reducing production costs.

Author: Mahsudov M.D.
Increasing the need for land use necessitates the diversification of land resources. Before you start diving, you need to thoroughly analyze the current situation in recent years. In this article, concrete proposals and recommendations have been made on the basis of studying the status of land allocation in the research object.

Author: Muminov Azizbek Ziyoviddinovich
The article deals with the development of proposals for promising directions, mechanisms and tools for the development of ecological tourism in the country, taking into account foreign experience and practice, further expansion of international cooperation in the field of ecotourism and nature

Author: Khaytboyeva N.
In this paper given information on the significance of light industry in Uzbekistan and its perspectives for further development. In addition, given recommendations and suggestions identifying and eliminating the factors affecting the development of the light industry in Uzbekistan.